20 Years in Mexican prisons for a crime he didn’t commit!

This is Bro Miguel Iglesias. He is a dear friend of mine that spent nearly 20 years in Mexican prisons for a crime that he did not commit; had nothing to do with; knew nothing about. I know. I personally read the exoneration papers that he finally received from Mexico City when he gained his freedom. This would have… Read More »

Great Conviction in the Reynosa Prison

We had such a wonderful service in the Reynosa prison yesterday. I preached on the “Last Public Ministry Words of Christ” (John 12:35,36) and the Lord’s conviction was so strong in the service. Words can’t express seeing the altar full of men weeping, pouring their hearts out before the Lord. After Jesus spoke these last “public” ministry words… Read More »

A Friend dies a Horrible Death

Words can’t express the way we felt when we received the news today of the murder of Humberto Vega Avalos. He was a happy-go-lucky young man; a friend that always had a smile. He worked at the prison at Santa Adelaida for about nine years and greeted me upon my arrival every time I visited this prison. Vega,… Read More »

A Friend Has “Disappeared”

Often times when we tell people that in the past eight years over 250,000 (1/4 million) people have been killed due to drug-related violence in Mexico we get that deer in the headlight look; as if they are trying to decide if we are exaggerating or not. We are not. Besides these 250,000 killed, there have been over 80,000… Read More »

Ambulance Finally Finds a New Home at Santa Adelaida

After seeing this pic I know someone that needs to lose a few pounds. However, we are happy to finally announce that after several months the ambulance has finally left the States for the prison in Santa Adelaida; outside of Matamoros. Pictured below is Me, Maira Aguilar (Assistant Warden), Francisco Javier España Hernandez (Warden) and my little buddy… Read More »

A Very Bitter/Sweet Day

While ministering in the Reynosa prison today I looked up to see a woman entering the foyer area of the administration offices. I thought that I recognized her, but was have trouble placing her. When she saw me she excitedly walked over to me with her hand extended, asking me if I remember her. I had to confess… Read More »

Rejoice With Us Concerning This Wonderful News!

This morning (Monday, 9-11-2017) I received this email from a precious pastor friend of ours who has a great vision of sharing the Gospel to the Muslim people. The pastor, in public forum, will remain anonymous due to the fact that the Iranian translator attends his church and continues to travel back and forth to Iran. He has… Read More »

Wonderful Mission Report Update!

I received a letter today (09-09-2017) from some dear friends of ours; Chuck and Kim Akers. As many of you know they have been missionaries for several years, as the head of the Global Mission Taskforce. It has been our pleasure to support them monthly, almost ever since they have been on the field. I want to share… Read More »

Ambulance For Santa Adelaida Arrives On The Border!

After having waited a few months for the paperwork to be processed in Virginia we were finally able to retrieve the ambulance that had been donated for the prison in Santa Adelaida. We want to express our appreciation to both Bro. Vernon Jarvis (Pastor of First Pentecostal Church of London, Kentucky) and Bro. James Hacker (CEO of Laurel… Read More »