A Very Bitter/Sweet Day

By | January 5, 2018
While ministering in the Reynosa prison today I looked up to see a woman entering the foyer area of the administration offices. I thought that I recognized her, but was have trouble placing her. When she saw me she excitedly walked over to me with her hand extended, asking me if I remember her. I had to confess that she looked familiar, but I was having a hard time remembering her name. It was Alma Delia Cuellar! She had been incarcerated in the prison of Santa Adelaida, but gained her release in 2005! She had given her heart to the Lord while doing our Bible Studies. Upon her release, she returned home to Valle Hermoso and started a church in her home. It started as a small Bible Study prayer group, but has grown to over 100 people! Though she is full time with her work in Valle Hermoso she came to the prison in Reynosa to inquire about making arrangements to minister with the women here. Lord willing, we are going to be doing everything that we can to help facilitate this ministry. It thrills our hearts to see the inmates who give their hearts to the Lord not only continue on with the Lord over the years but also giving their lives back to Him in full-time ministry; especially returning to the prisons.
We were also saddened to learn of the death of Miguel Arviso. He had given his heart to the Lord while incarcerated in the Reynosa prison. He was faithful in his Bible Studies and was the first librarian of our Christian Library in this prison. He poured his heart out to the Lord, both in prayer and study, to prepare himself for the Lord’s work upon his release. He was faithful to his call. He returned to his hometown (Ciudad Victoria) and placed himself under a good Pastor. He began evangelizing and developed quite a reputation in his area. He truly was a devout young man who was making his mark for the Lord. We don’t know all the details yet, but we learned today that he was rushed to the hospital this past Monday morning and after just a few hours he went home to be with the Lord. Miguel was a friend and will be dearly missed, but we are joyful in knowing that this ex-con is now basking in the presence of the Lord!

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