Spending the Morning with the New Warden at the Santa Adelaida Prison

By | January 5, 2024

Today may have been quiet, but it was undeniably blessed. I visited the Santa Adelaida prison to update our paperwork for the ministry, ensuring that Javier Blanco, Felix Salinas, and I can continue our work there. This is a routine procedure that occurs annually, marking the 27th year of my chaplaincy in this facility.

I had the pleasure of spending the morning with the new warden, Isaias Aguilar Monita. Although we had previously met when he served as the warden at a different prison, he has since been transferred to Santa Adelaida. It was refreshing to reconnect with him on a more personal and informal level.

Our reputation within the penal system of Tamaulipas reflects the Lord’s favor, and much of this is thanks to our supporters. Your contributions have enabled us to provide four ambulances for these prisons, which hasn’t gone unnoticed by State Officials. Warden Monita expressed his commitment to supporting our work, recognizing the impact of the Gospel among the inmates. It’s truly gratifying when prison officials see the positive influence of our ministry. Having experienced hindrances in the past, I am eager to collaborate with Warden Monita for as long as he remains in this role.


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