The Gulf Cartel Separates The Sheep From The Goats!

Manuel (my right-hand man in the prison at Santa Adelaida, caretaker of our Christian library and administrator of our Bible Studies) was not in his room when the assault on his cell-block occurred, but those details will be held for another story. He left about 15 minutes before the fighting took place. After almost three hours of storming… Read More »

God Opens A Wonderful Door Of Ministry Opportunity

Today was a day fraught with many surprises. I was happy to discover that the report of deaths that I had received last Thursday concerning the riot at Santa Adelaida was a mistaken and false report.  However, the reports I did receive today concerning the riot were nothing short of miraculous concerning the protection of the prison saints,… Read More »

A Day Of Very Mixed Emotions

Yesterday, in the Reynosa prison, was a day of very mixed emotions. We had such a wonderful service, and after having preached I didn’t even need to make an altar call. As I was closing the message the Lord began to move upon the people and they began filling the altar, calling upon the Lord. There is no greater… Read More »

Grace In The Midst Of Such Darkness

As I was driving to the prison at Satanta Adelaida, outside of Matamoros, There was a strong torrential downpour.  I could only see about a few hundred feet ahead of me and was only driving about 30 miles an hour.  Though the thought of turning back never crossed my mind I knew that it was going to be… Read More »

It Is Worth It All To Serve The Lord!

Mauricio used to be an inmate at the prison in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico, but gained his freedom back in 2004. He gave his life to the Lord while in prison and started participating with our Bible Studies. The Lord blessed him in a wonderful way and he greatly matured in the Lord during his incarceration. Many of the… Read More »

320 Federal Forces Arrive in Tamaulipas

320 federal arrive in Tamaulipas Federal Forces were deployed to various municipalities, which include the Marines and Military. A contingent of 320 agents of the Federal Police arrived in Tamaulipas and began to be deployed in major municipalities throughout the state to strengthen the tasks of patrolling and fighting organized crime. The arrival of the reinforcements strengthen the efforts of the state government… Read More »

Monterrey, Nuevo León Prison Riot Claims The Lives of 52 Men

This past Wednesday (February 10th) saw a violent riot in the prison in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. The melee was between two competing cartel groups vying for control of the prison.  The ZETAS control this prison, and there were 52 people who lost their lives in this riot; lives that can never be touched again with the message… Read More »

Sad and Disturbing News

We received some sad and disturbing news late last night from the prison at Santa Adelaida.  Juan Carlos Castellanos, our former inmate pastor who had received his release a little over a year ago, died yesterday due to a freak accident that took place on Christmas Day.  Juan drives a standard vehicle and his car wouldn’t start.  As Juan was pushing the car by himself… Read More »

Three Men Saved and Families Restored

While leaving the prison in Reynosa this past Thursday (2016 – 01-07) my heart was rejoicing after having been told the results of three men participating in the Bible Studies.  Watch the following video update concerning the change in these men’s lives.  As Felipe was telling me as we were walking towards the gate for me to leave – “Dios… Read More »

A New Year’s Eve Altar Service To Remember!

Yesterday we had a very precious New Year’s Eve service in the prison of Reynosa.  Although it was a little cold (about 48°) nearly 70 people showed up for the service.  Being as there are no heaters in the prison it was a little difficult to stay warm, but everyone did the best they could with the meager… Read More »