A Day Of Very Mixed Emotions

By | October 7, 2016

Yesterday, in the Reynosa prison, was a day of very mixed emotions. We had such a wonderful service, and after having preached I didn’t even need to make an altar call. As I was closing the message the Lord began to move upon the people and they began filling the altar, calling upon the Lord. There is no greater joy for me than to see these inmates, and many times their families, pouring their hearts out to God. I can’t make the change in these men’s lives, but we are so blessed for having seen the Lord do so time after time again.

However, while leaving the prison I was approached by one of the guards who is aware of our ministry in Santa Adelaida. The first thing she asked me was which day do I go to the prison there. When I told her that I go on Tuesdays she gave me a startled stare. I generally leave the prison about 1:00 in the afternoon and this past Tuesday there was a riot. Yesterday (7th of October) she told me that there were 5 deaths: a nurse, 2 custodians, and 2 inmates. All day yesterday I was trying to contact the prison in Santa Adelaida for details of what had taken place. I guess I will find out for sure this Tuesday when I return. The report that I received may not be as bad as stated, because over the years I have seen a lot of talk that doesn’t turn out to be quite as bad as reported, but then again, it possibly could be worse. Please remember us and this prion in your prayers.

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