Teaching the Illiterate to read using Bible stories

By | March 22, 2015
Story from our May 2014 Newsletter
Manuel, our children’s director and librarian in Matamoros -Santa Adelaida with children at the library

Manuel, our children’s director and librarian in Matamoros -Santa Adelaida with a few of the children at the library

A few days ago Manuel, our children’s director and librarian in Matamoros – Santa Adelaida, came to me with some good news.  He was asked by the Prison Social Department to help with their adult education program by teaching illiterate inmates to read.  He was excited because another door of evangelism has been opened to him.  He is permitted to pick his own curriculum so he has chosen to use our Children’s Bible Story Series.

Now, the men and women that won’t come to church will hear the Gospel because it will be the first thing that they will learn to read!  I only wish the McGuffy Readers were in Spanish.  Please keep this new ministry outreach in your prayers.

Once again we want to thank you for all that you have done to help us with this ministry.  Our main request has always been, please keep us in your prayers.


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