Blessed with $1,000.00 Worth of Study Bibles!!!

By | May 22, 2023

For the Bible Institute in the prisons, we reward a study Bible for the student with the highest score at the end of each cycle of studies. For many years we have rewarded either the Thompson Chain study Bible or the Vida Plena (Full Life Study Bible). These Bibles are not cheap but are well worth the price to give for faithful studies. This past Saturday we were blessed by Missionary Mike McGee with 18 hardbacks and seven leatherbound of the Vida Plena Study Bibles. Saints, this is right at $1,000 worth of Bibles!! Over the years we have always financially supported several other missionaries to bless them in their works. It is a blessing when God allows us to reap periodically from others. Thank you  Bro. McGee!!

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