A New Year’s Eve Altar Service To Remember!

By | January 1, 2016

Yesterday we had a very precious New Year’s Eve service in the prison of Reynosa.  Although it was a little cold (about 48°) nearly 70 people showed up for the service.  Being as there are no heaters in the prison it was a little difficult to stay warm, but everyone did the best they could with the meager winter clothing that they had.  I have been preaching chapter by chapter through the Bible, and yesterday we were in James chapter 4.  The altar was filled (about 20 people) after having preached on the enemies that we all must face: our flesh, the world and the devil.  The Lord moved among us in a very special way as men (and some of their wives who had come to visit) wept and poured their hearts out before the Lord.  Every time I see these men whom society has written off because of their sinful lives travail and prostrate themselves before the Lord my heart is refreshed anew.  God is sooooo merciful!  Please continue to remember these men and women in your prayers.  The Lord is doing such a marvelous work in many of these lives.  Should the Lord tarry in His coming I expect many of these men and women to leave this prison and go on to do great exploits for the Lord.  It is my privilege to be found laboring in this corner of the Lord’s filed!

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