Gary & Brenda Morgan
Since their marriage in September of 1979 Gary and Brenda Morgan have spent 38 years in full time ministry. They first met at the Free Gospel Bible Institute in Export, Pennsylvania. During the course of their ministry they have pastored three churches; the Jersey Holiness Church in Jersey, Georgia, the Manassas Pentecostal Church in Manassas, Virginia and the Maranatha True Holiness Church in Fayetteville, NC.
In July of 1992 they resigned their church in Fayetteville, North Carolina to prepare for mission work in the country of México. After spending a year working with Sis. Gail Myers, they have labored for over 20 years among the outcasts of society (drunks, drug addicts, prostitutes, and street children). Their ministry has been to those in the ghettos and slums, as well as those incarcerated in Federal and State penal facilities. (See our ministry presentation.)
The ministry “El Faro de Santidad”, or “Lighthouse Holiness Ministries”, has consisted of prison evangelism within 14 prison facilities in the states of Durango, Coahuila, and Tamaulipas, México. Due to present dangers in Mexico their ministry has been focused on the northern region of Tamaulipas within the prisons of Reynosa, Ciudad Victoria and Santa Adelaida (Matamoros). Over the years hundreds of inmates have come to the Lord including three prison leaders within the Gulf Coast Cartel. One was transferred over two thousand miles to an off coast prison island called “Las Marias”, for his protection, because a contract had been placed on his life after he had accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Besides their regular preaching and teaching ministry within the prisons, they have erected the only two government acknowledged Christian libraries in the penal system of the country of Mexico. These are being supported and maintained by their ministry. These libraries are attempting to meet the needs of not only the inmates, but also their families. Due to the prisons “open society” policies, children of the inmates can visit daily from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The libraries have become a veritable “Whitt’s End“; a daily gathering place for the children where Bible lessons and treats are provided. To date, over 20,000 Bibles and literally hundreds of thousands of gospel tracts have been distributed among the guards, inmates and their families.
It is the Morgans’ desire to not only lead men and women to Christ, but to also facilitate Bible knowledge so that these same men and women will carry the Gospel to their own people. Therefore, the “El Faro de Santidad Instituto de Correspondencia de Estudios Biblicos” (Lighthouse Holiness Correspondence Institute of Biblical Studies) was established. This is a comprehensive Bible Study Course of 274 studies which have a question for approximately every 2 ½ verses throughout the Bible. These studies are recognized by the government of Mexico for inmate continual studies, and prisoners can receive “beneficios” (time off for good behavior) for participating in them. As of today, over 100,000 Bible Studies have been delivered and completed by the inmates. For more information concerning these studies please visit the Book Store page.
Presently, there are approximately 150 inmates currently enrolled in the Bible Study course in Mexico, as well as hundreds of inmates incarcerated throughout the United States. Several inmates, after their release, have gone on into full-time ministry and are now carrying this Gospel to other prisons throughout the country of Mexico. These Bible Studies have been and/or are being used in the countries of Mexico, Venezuela, Panama, Honduras, Colombia, the Philippines, India, Cameroon, Haiti, Russia and the Ukraine, Germany, and Iran as well as being used in prisons and churches throughout the United States.
Please pray for us and this ministry as we follow after God’s will.
From our corner of “His field,”
Gary & Brenda Morgan
It is great to meet you and your wife. I pray for the continuous word of God to be preached to all that seek and thankful that there are great people like you that has choosen to be the angels that is spreading the word of God to those in prison as well as outside world where we need it here as well as those in prison. Great start and glad to be part of your network!
God bless you Sis. Schlup, and thank you for your kind words. I apologies for being a little tardy with this reply, but this is still a little work in progress. Thank you so much for your prayers! One thing we have learned over the years is that there really isn’t a whole lot of difference between those in prison from those on the outside. Sin is both a human and global predicament. One difference I have seen though, is that those behind bars, as a whole sense there need more than those that are not. Please continue to hold us up in your prayers as we labor for the Lord in this corner of “His” field!
Hello Mr Morgan
I’m the American that found my self in Santa Alieda. 3 years into my sentence. And a long way from Indiana!!
I was at my wits end. Then you came walking right into my cell. I couldn’t believe it. You weren’t the least bit scared. Not even nervous. So I thought if your that tuff, I’ll do your Bible studies.
Well, proud to say 10 years later. Still reading my Bible regularly. Still thinking of lighthouseholiness. And Gary Morgan. Oh by the way …working and living life a free man!!!
Appreciate you & your wife’s ministry so much. Prayers always.